Memories of Mr. Edward J. Fryzel

It was absolutely crushing news to hear that Mr. Fryzel died in a traffic accident. At 58, he was still so young. He was so good natured and well liked by his students. He had a good sense of humor that was required for the staff that he had putting the yearbook together. Somehow he managed to keep his sanity in spite of all of the deadlines we needed to make.

I remember that he tried to get the funding and contract worked out to allow us to have some color pages in the yearbook. It was just too expensive back then. He did manage to get additional funding which allowed us to increase the size of the book by 32 pages in our senior year. Today, all of the new color digital technology must make it so much easier. I'm sure he would have loved to have the technology back then.

Did you know that he was the silhouette in the photo for the cover of the 1972 yearbook? I remember taking the photo thinking that he was perfect for the image because he was so tall and thin and with his long arms.

I have nothing but good memories of him and greatly appreciated the opportunities that he provided me. As the main yearbook photographer, I felt honored that he chose me to be photo editor in our junior year and in our senior year he chose me to also be a co-editor of the yearbook. It was a lot of fun and hard work and I still treasure the experience. In our senior year, he literally filled the back cover page with advice and positive comments about me. He truly helped fuel the fire in me desiring to succeed in college and in life.

May he rest in peace.

Mike Mousigian

Wow, I love the pictures! Good memories! Thanks!
Laura (Hall) Hice
Nov. 15, 2005
3:54 PM, November 15, 2005

I never had the privilege of having Mr. Fryzel for a teacher, but can remember his enthusiastic spirit in the hallways. I know he made a difference in the lives of all his students, and am grateful that he made such an impression on you, Mike, especially. It shows in your work and your work ethic.

I had always thought of our yearbooks as very, very special and somehow unique, especially our class yearbook. A lot of work, and a lot of talent went into those pages. Whenever I looked at the "yearbook staff" pictures, I had always wondered why I never took that class. What a great, fun-loving group of people. Mr. Fryzel probably made it fun for you all to be there.

I especially thank you, Mike for such a wonderful "through-the-lens" perspective of class "life". You captured all of us so perfectly, Mike. And for whatever part Mr. Fryzel played in that, a heartfelt thanks to his spirit and for his guidance also.

Through Mike and all of Mr. Fryzel's students, his memory will live on. I'm sure he is looking at all of you now and smiling.

Karen Stefaniak